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Weekly Classes & Workshops
T & TH 9:30 - 10:30 AM with Juliana or Guest Teacher


If you'd prefer to pre-register please use link below for our app

We offer Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Yoga and Functional Training classes 7 days a week. As we grow, we will be adding more classes to the schedule for BJJ class schedule please click here


5:00-6:00 PM   EXPLORING WHAT YOU NEED - YOGA with Liz Levine 

Liz’s class is a hybrid made up of movement, strength, stretch, mindfulness and meditation all mixed together to bring us closer to our true self.  It is a led class so experience is helpful but not necessary.  Some comments from her students include: “She cares deeply about her students and takes them on both a spiritual and playful journey” “Centering” “Makes me feel focused and strong” “Class is integrated” “Makes me feel chill and grounded”.

T U E S D A Y 

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM VINYASA YOGA with Juliana or Mateo                                 

 * door is locked for the duration of this class, please plan accordingly 

This basic class is a great opportunity to explore the fundamentals of Dharma Yoga. The practice includes a complete experience of Asana (postures), short guided healing relaxation in Shavasana, Pranayama (breathwork).  Class is suitable for all levels.

5:00-6:00 PM  YOGA with Juliana

This basic class is a great opportunity to explore the fundamentals of Dharma Yoga. The practice includes a complete experience of Asana (postures), short guided healing relaxation in Shavasana, Pranayama (breathwork) and Dhyana (meditation) with chanting of mantra to activate the subtle consciousness. One can always choose to just hear the mantra.  Class is suitable for all levels.

W E D N E S D A Y  schedule changes March 13th, when Sandi Rodier is back with Functional Mobility/Strength 

5:00-6:00 PM  VINYASA  YOGA with Juliana teaches today 03/05/25


9:30 AM - 10:30 AM VINYASA YOGA with Juliana

  * door is locked for the duration of this class, please plan accordingly 

This basic class is a great opportunity to explore the fundamentals of Dharma Yoga. The practice includes a complete experience of Asana (postures), short guided healing relaxation in Shavasana, Pranayama (breathwork).  Class is suitable for all levels.

5:00-6:00 PM 








S A T U R D A Y​ 

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM Yoga Teachers Rotation. This Saturday with Juliana Machado 

S U N D A Y  -  Open for private sessions, closed groups, workshops and guest teachers. 


Schedule is subject to change 
updates can also be found here and  in our stories on social media
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